Thursday, December 13, 2007

What else? Dogs on Thursday!

Big man, small dog. Some men have a "thing" about little dogs not being cool. Luckily, my husband is not among these:

(You know you blog too much when your husband sees a picture of himself with his head ineptly cut off and remarks, "There's a good one for your blog.")

I've also heard that some little dogs have a "thing" about men. Clearly not the case here:

Napping with Dad.

With one exception - don't try to come between Frisky and Mom or you will SO feel the wrath of chihuahua!



Dianne said...

I love the way his little hands are crossed in that second picture. So sweet!

sophanne said...

I also have a BIG MAN small dog photo at the end of this post

Any advice on sharp-nailed puppies? Ours are starting to feel lethal.

Vivian said...

I thought you purposefully left your man faceless to help him remain anonymous, among all these women with sharp instrument. My husband loves little dogs too.

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

That's a little pooch with BIG personality. So sweet, the pic of sleeping doggie.