My, this certainly has been a wool-friendly summer. I'm aware that in some places in the US the heat has reached record highs, but here in New England? We are all about the chilly.
This is driving some people nuts, but, honestly, I kind of like it. Sunny and 70 degrees in July? I'll take it, thank you very much. Not only have I saved bundles on my electricity costs, my knitting output has never been better. That's a win-win situation as far as I'm concerned.
Baktus UpdateTurns out that the lure of the Baktus was too much for me to resist. As soon as I got my hands on another skein of lovely Brooks Farm Acero I cast on again.

Because I am a sheep (and because the lure of everything
Terhi makes is also too much for me to resist -
am I becoming a Ravstalker?) this one is the lacy version. The pattern is such a peach - the ultimate travel knitting project.

I got the yarn from a fellow Raveler who was doing a major destash. She gave me such a good price on it that I almost felt guilty.
Almost. It really is gorgeous. (Details
rav'ed here.) Oddly, I am in no hurry to finish this. I just like looking at it.
Both pictures are from atop the breakers at Hampton Beach, NH. It was our first sunny day here in some time, and we stuck it out for as long as possible by moving our gear up onto the rocks. The sky was absolutely gorgeous:

Acer UpdateThe lesson from my first Acer button disaster is that looks aren't everything, *sigh*. I needed something really feather-weight. (Details
rav'ed here.) After checking out the project pages for Acer I ended up going with the same style of button used by a few others, and the shape is just right, I think.

I would have liked an even lighter-colored maple on this pale yarn, but these will do for now. And, since I plan to make it again in Peace Fleece...
Mondo CableBut first, I need to finish this little bippy:

Honestly, I liked this pattern in its first incarnation, but the more recent top-down version is a real winner. The provisional cast-on gave me a few headaches (you can read all about the agony
here) but did make for a lovely seamless shoulder. I hope to have this done in another day or two.
Next UpSo, what bandwagon to jump on next? I've been thinking about breaking into my luscious Silken Mohair (a worsted-weight silk with a mohair haze, yum) to do a
Mara or a
November Ruffle. Or maybe I'll get back to
Bernhardt. Or..or...or...
Gratuitous Chihuahua Shots Clearly I could go on and on, but that wouldn't do either of us any good. There is work to be done besides the knitting, after all. And you may even be asleep by now. So I'll bid you adieu with some parting shots of you-know-who:
I'm not afraid of fireworks, no siree, are you afraid of fireworks? because I'm not, no, no way, not me.
Well, someone has to prop this kid up, right?