Sunday, January 07, 2007

Small but Satisfying

While cranking away on the felted bag I ran out of the camel shade with a mere 2 rounds to go. I debated skimping would have been way too noticeable. So I stopped by LYS to grab another skein.

I took little DS with me, a move which inevitably leads to ISE (Involuntary Stash Enhancement). Just look at the sock yarn he chose:

The Colinette on the left is for himself - ! Apparently tiger is in this season. (BTW the new shades of Colinette were gorgeous - I think I will have to go back for some "Popsicle" for myself.) The Cherry Tree Hill is for his more subdued older brother.

I'm thrilled with both of his choices, though something a little thicker would knit up a WHOLE lot, small but lovely purchases were made.

And for me, a totally out of character color choice that I've been waiting months to knit up:

Can't WAIT to wear these!!! I got a lot done while watching the Patriots game with dh at a friend's house. (Actually, I could care less about football. I taught this friend to knit last summer and today I finally succeeded at bullying her into learning to purl. Hey, you can only get so far with garter stitch, though this girl has cranked out a record number of scarves and even a purse for her daughter. It was just time, you know? I predict there will be ribbing in her future.)

Also out of character, I found and finished up an old crochet project, of all things:

I know, I know, it's a doily, but a pretty bitchin' doily, yes? I ended up skipping the final picot round because I was pretty sure I would come up short on yardage (see pattern picture below) but I think it suits me better this way. I had to bleach out some tiny mystery stains (what is it about white things left in closets???) and I ended up just patting it into shape to dry after getting really angry at a bunch of T-pins that were only trying to help. I won't be making another anytime soon but I must admit - I am proud of this project.

Maybe this will inspire me to get going on that Crochet Squares afghan...

And here is the bag progress:

This week it's back to school for a department meeting and some workshops - time to buff up my syllabi and get back into the teaching (also dissertation!!) groove. Luckily, there's always time for knitting - at the kids' basketball games, at the bus stop...


Patrice said...

Your sons are very lucky to have you as their mom. Hopefully, their feet don't grow too fast so they can enjoy them for a long time.

You'll have to show off your socks when they are done. Knitting during the Pat's game is the only way to survive as a spouse of a football fan.

Lora said...

OOOO Yummy sock yarn!! DS has great taste!! Love the bag too!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Yes, it's back to school around here as well...I'm trying to pull myself away from my knitting, it's tough though!
The socks are so bright and cheery, and you're so smart to do them both at once.