Apparently, it all begins here in the chair by the window:
Stand up, and then it's just a short leap across to the table. Thinking about what would happen to those spindly little legs of his if he missed makes me a bit lightheaded. Luckily, he doesn't miss.
So, now that I know how, I have to wonder, "Why? Why does a chihuahua want to be on a dining room table?"
In knitting news, here's my Buttercup still in progress.
I should be done by now, and I would be, if I hadn't had to rip the front lace section out THREE TIMES.
(I want to make clear that this is not the pattern's fault - it is entirely my fault for not paying attention. It is partly Frisky's fault for leaping around onto furniture in a dangerous and distracting way. It is partly my family's fault for expecting me to produce meals and know things and answer complicated questions like, "I left my ipod on your desk and now it's gone and where did you put it?" at times when I am trying to knit. But it is definitely not Heidi the designer's fault.)
But, no matter now, it's almost done. Really a cute pattern. Easy, too, if you can avoid being distracted by flying chihuahuas...