Thursday, November 01, 2007

Knitted Stamps! And Dogs on Thursday

Look at these!!

Don't they just make you want to mail all your handknit gifts?!

And in the DOT department, I give you: "Portrait of Small Dog in Autumn"

"Brrrr! Sure is chilly in here, Mom!"


SissySees said...

Oooh, look at the little cutie!! I bet he was a cute bumblebee.

Kathy... said...

Give him a hug from me! He needs his blankie closer to that fire!

Sofee is sleeping off her immunizations. She had her annual vet visit today. Not her favorite way to spend an afternoon. She will be fine tomorrow - once she realizes that the stop at the pet store snagged 3 bags of her favorite cookies. She was a good girl - so she earned them. Wish we could share with Frisky.....

Pooch said...

Love the stamps! I need to buy enough for beyond Christmas as well!

Either you have a gigantic fireplace or an itsy-bitsy dog...hmmmm....which is it? Such a cute pic!


Anonymous said...

What a great photo- and the title makes it all the more impressive!

I really like those stamps- and I'm not usually a stamp person!!!

Donna said...

He needs to move a little closer...he is so itsy-bitsy cute. Love the stamps, must get some before all gone.

Vivian said...

What a handsome gent! He needs a nice warm blanket and a comfy spot in the big chair to snooze.

Dianne said...

Such a cutie-pie. He needs a sweater! Booties, and a little hat, and maybe a scarf, too!

bobbi said...

I must have thoses stamps!
who is that model in front of the firsplace? great pose. looks just like my tootsie did.