Lots of knitting and some insanity happening here. Want to see?
(Come on, sing it with me…)
"Oh, I've got a loverly bunch of wips and fos...
(Muffler that boy #1 asked for this am - yeah, I'm good.)There they are just standing in a row...
(Psst, here's another shot.)Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...
(It is a little big - "comfy," we'll call it.)Give 'em a twist,
(But don’t drop that stitch)
And now I’m off to bed."
(The scarf that is, as Erickajo puts it, "endlessly entertaining.")And so with my selfish knitting winding down, the Christmas countdown begins - did someone say 42 days?
-Felted backpack for nephew
-Double thick earflap hat for dh
-Ripple afghan for the 'rental unit
-Monkeys for my boys (monkeys, not socks - don't ask)
Also, overdue baby sweater for overdue neighbor. The kid's even giving me a little leeway, and I'm
still not finished!
So, how is your holiday knitting going? Are you frenzied, relaxed, or abstaining this year?