The Heinous Shrug: 80% done, needs seaming finished on one sleeve, pick up and knit ribbing around the circle. I have no idea how this will turn out, but I do think it's something I'll wear around the house, assuming I ever finish it:

Hmm...a little Pilates wouldn't hurt either, girlfriend.
Socks: 25% done, Nashua Handknits Cilantro Colors, 100% cotton. I love this yarn, it's all springy and sproingy and wicked comfortable. I already made myself a pair of lowrise socks in the raspberry colorway. But don't look for these on my feet any time soon:

Silk Cashmere Scarf: Okay, now here's a candidate for possible completion in this lifetime. It's supposed to be a Christmas present, but....Christmas is just around the corner, and I got a lotta stuff in the queue, you know what I mean?

Crochet Granny Square Afghan: This was a lovely idea, a well-deserved gift for my parents. At the moment, though, not keeping them so warm. But don't let my lack of progress stop you! This book is the greatest, and could turn even the staunchest anti-crocheter onto the hook:

DH Socks: I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with these bad boys. This is one project that absolutely must get done. My husband hasn't had a pair of handknit socks from me since before kids, and I really want him to have these for the winter. This winter, preferably:

My So-Called Scarf: I was intrigued by this pattern and thought it would be nice in Malabrigo. It is nice, but it would be nicer in a more variegated colorway. Anyway, it's started and should be a Christmas present, but again, that line just keeps getting longer...:

Vogue Shawl: Shown here as "15 Ruffles Shawl", a Vogue exclusive pattern and damn I really should finish this one. The edge treatment is amazing. Gifts, schmifts, I really, really need this:

Pretty Comfy Sock: These look promising, but see that harmless looking little piece of yarn sticking out near the toe? That is one of two big holes forming in sock #1, right in the middle of the foot. And I did nothing to cause this - it has chosen to unravel itself, I swear. It's back to the depths of the yarn closet for these two:

Anyway, that's the "gang." I also have a hat kit, yarn for two felted bags, 14 skeins of alpaca, plus an embarrassing amount of other assorted stash. Yet today, I had the nerve to buy this because I was actually thinking it would be a good idea for me to make the Einstein coat now. Geez, sometimes you need to say those kinds of things out loud, like a little reality check?
I agree with Crazy Aunt Purl - this whole blogging thing really is total narcissism. And ever so much cheaper than therapy. Thanks for listening, Blogistan :)
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